Hydrospace Developments Ltd.
2 Essex Avenue Thornhill, Ontario

CP 75 Canadian Mil
CP 75 United States Mil
Sp 2049 Rev: 6
date: Dec 5th, 1969
Class: General release

GENERAL:  Designed for either field or hospital use, this unit embodies all the features needed for the most efficient use of a portable recompression chamber:
    a) The patient (diver) can breath oxygen, air - being selected on the console - via the BIBS supply.
    b) A permanent recording is made of pressure treatment and notes may be written on the chart.
    c) Rate of pressure decrease may be controlled unaffected by ventilation rate.
    d) There is a call system as well as an intercom.
    e) Chamber may be controlled from 25 feet away on the standard system, extentions may be        added for more distant use.
    f) Self powered with standard flashlight cells.

CONTROL SYSTEM:  The pressure in the chamber is controlled via a pneumatic servo valve located in the hatch of the chamber. Gas admission to the chamber for pressurization is controlled from the console; once this pressure is reached, the servo valve will maintain the pressure in the chamber no matter what the patient will require for breathing ventilation. When the chamber pressure must be lowered, a sensitive valve at the console controls the servo valve at the chamber.


    Mode Selector - Raise pressure, Hold pressure, Lower pressure,  or Emergency  Operation form stand-by pressure pressure regulator.
    Raise Rate - determines the rate at which the pressure is increased.
    Lower Rate - determines the rate at which the pressure is decreased.
    Regulator  Adjustment - allows for emergency admission of gas into the chamber to compensate for a leaking fitting or seal.
    BIBS Selector Valve - Selects Oxygen or whatever the patients Breathing.
    Intercom Voume Control - Intercom Power Switch - Intercom Talk/Listen
    Chart Recorder Power - Call System Shutoff Switch


    The system consists of:
    1) Control Console Unit.
    2) Cable and hose set (Console to Chamber) twenty-five feet long.
    3) Hose Set (Console to Gas Supply Cylinders) twelve feet long please specify the fittings for the cylinders.
    4) Chamber Servo Valve.
    5) Chamber non-return valve.
    6) Chamber connectors.
    7) Chamber Piping.
    8) Loudspeaker.
    9) Regulator with mouthpiece.
    10) Call button and cable.
    11) Internal fiberglass cover for hatch. (Pp-1 and Pp-2 only).

Not Supplied:

    Pressure reducing for all cylinders. (Here 100 to 140 psi valve output pressures are required).


    Console Case Size: (Closed) 12 inches x 14 inches x 13 3/8 inches.
    Control pressure for chamber 0 to 100 psi.
    Chamber size accomodated. From 12 to 80 cu ft.
    Gasses usable for chamber preaauization. Air, Helox, Oxygen.


CP 75 - Canadian Mil.   Has 6"Heisse gauge (calibrated in PSI or Feet Sea Water - Specify which) mounted in lid of Console along with Heur watch.

CP 75 - United States Mil. As above with US Aircraft type watch (substituted  for Heur watch).


RC 1 -Set of pressure regulators designed fo Canadian Cylinders.
CCH - 25.  25 foot extention for console to chamber hose set - includes electrical cables.
CSH - 25.  25 foot extention for console to chamber hose set.
ONB - 4. Oronasal mask and regulator for substitution for mouthpiece/regulator set normally supplied with system.

CONFIDENTAL DEALER PRICE LIST:     As at June 1st, 1970 - note prices are subject to change.

    Prices quoted are in Canadian Dollars. FOB Toronto, Ontatio, Canada. These do not include PST, or other federal taxes where applicable. Duty and Customs charges are extra and must be paid by the customer/dealer. All prices are subject to periodic revision without notice; therefore please ask for a quotation.

Note: As Hydrospace Developments Ltd., is no longer in buisness, these prices are only  for reference.

Model PP - 3      Portable Recompression Chamber, BARE.    $ 2,400
Model PP - 5      Portable Recompression Chamber, with medical lock, BARE.    $ 3,700
Model CP - 75b Portable Recompression Chamber Control System,  $ 1,900
Model CP - 75 Canadian Mil.  Portable Recompression Chamber Control System,  $ 2,540
Model CP - 75 United States Mil. Portable Recompression Chamber Control System,  $ 2,970


Group No:  RC - 1  Pressure Reduction Valves with gauges for air and  and oxygen $ 90
                             (prices for other gasses will require a quotation)
                   CCH - 25   Chamber to Console Twenty-five foot hose extention  $ 65
                   CSH - 25   Cyinder Regulator Hoses Twenty-five foot extention $ 35
                   ONB - 4     Oronasal Mask substution for mouthpiece in BIBS System $60

Portable Recompression Chambers

    1) The importance of prompt decompresson is stressed in the U.S.Navy Treatment Tables under the heading "Most Frequent Errors in Treatment".

QUOTE   (A) Failure to give treatment in doubtful cases.

              (B) Delayed Recompresion. The longer you wait, the deeper the diver will have to go for releif of symptoms. UNQOTE

    2) A portable recompression chamber can be transported anywhere it is possible to transport divers and their equipment. Ony by having it at the dive site can prompt treatment be assured.

    3) With a serious shortage of doctors that are properly qualified in diving medicine, it is very important to resort to the most reliable cure, decompression (recompression). Thismethod of treatment does not require the sevices of a doctor or "expert".

    4) Any person who can read, can carry out the standard decompression treatment as prescribed in the U. S. N. Diving Manual providing he has a recompression chamber with simplefied controls. As evidence of the effectiveness of standard decompression treatment we quote from RIVERA in the Proceedings Second Symposium on Underwater Psysiology P93. "of the 935 cases of bends reported in the past 15 years, 888 were treated acccording to the standard procedures of the U. S. Navy Treatment Tables and are therfore subject to valid comparision. 773 patients of this number were relived on the initial treatment. 115 others represented failures of the initial treatment due either to the seperate problems of residual symptoms or reoccurrence of the bends. 86 patients in the failure group were subsiquently retrated and 70 were relived. In summary, then, of the 888 cases treated, 843 patients were eventually releived. There were 45 failures of treatment, although valid reasons for failure were not related to the Treatment Tables themselves could be pointed out in 30 cases. The  15 cases of "true failure" of the Navy Treatnent Tables represent 1.7% of all patients treated.

    5) In selecting a portable recompression chamber the following features are important:

            a. Simplicity and relability of controls - Automatic depth holding is very important, particularly for unskilled operators working under less than ideal conditions.

            b. Portability - Lightness and compactness are obvous advantages of a portable recompression chamber. For maximum ease of lifting and stowing the unit should be broken up into several packages connected by lines, e.e. air supply, chamber and control system. This makes it possible for fewer people to move the unit when unoccupied or occupied. In the latter case with flexible connecting lines can be moved inch-worm fashion with a minimum of help. Storage in any vehicle is of course made much easier if the overall size of the chamber is kept to a minimum. Another advantage is that operating the system in transit is simplified if controls are seperated from the chamber.

        c. Good intercom system - The operator must rely on the patient's spoken word to learn when symtom changes ocour during treatment. It is comforting to the patient to be able to communicate while in the chamber,

        d. Ablity to transfer the patient to a * Class A chamber - It is possible to carry out all the treatment scheduled in a portable chamber. However, in serius cases, it may be desirable to transfer the patient to the nearest Class A chamber. There should be some method of tranferring the patient into a larger chamber without interrupting the treatment,  i.e. a gasket seal system.

        e. Breathing System - To maintain a maximum portability, compteed air requirements must be kept  to a minimum. Putting the patient on a built-in demand is, therefore, preferred. Another important advantage of BIBS is that breathing gasses can be switched quickly as called for by the tables. For the latter purpose the console shoold be provided with a switch over valve. Rhis allows the operator to switch the patient to oxygen without leaving his controls.

        f. Pressure Recorder - This is a desirable feature on any recompression chamber, but it can be of particular value on a portable chamber. It provides a graph record of the tratment automatically. This will be a geat help to an unskilled operator. In the event the treatment os taken over by a doctor there is an accurate record of events since the treatment began. New Treatment tables now in use call for a steady ascent rate, e.g. one foot per minute. This can be easily accomplished with the aid of a recorder. The prescribed acent slope can be marked on the chart. The operator can maintain the slope of the recording.

6) While it is not obviously not practical to always provide recompression facilities when diving, the following points should be understood by all divers, so that a proper assessment of the value of a recompression  chamber is appreciated.

        a.  Whenever SCUBA diving is being carried out, the danger of decompression sickness and/or air embolism exists.

        b.  Providing recompression is carrird out promptly, you can expect favourable results in 98.3 % of cases (based on 888 cases reported over a fifteen year period). This "cook book" treatmend does not require the presence of a doctor.

                    Recompression Chamber designed to hold 2 or more subjects and equipped with a man lock.

        c.  The importance of having a recompression facilities available in the event of air embolism is emphsasised in the U.S.N. Diving Manual 1.63.3 (22) QUOTE "NOTE: Having a case of air embolism when no compression chamber is nearby, presents a very serious problem. The delay involved in getting the victim to a chamber may result in death or permant injury........" UNQUTE.

        d. Air embolism can result from a dive in shallow water, about 12 feet and sometimes less.

Note: Remember that the history of exposure to deeper dives must be taken into account when even shallower dives are teken!

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